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Kokua LIKEaBIKE Jumper Review

With suspension and extra cushioning tires, the Kokua LIKEaBIKE Jumper is the cream-of-the crop for adventurous toddlers/preschoolers. Perfect for aggressive riding along paved trails, hard and packed dirt, or at the skate park. Read the review below for all the details!

young child riding the likeabike jumper balance bike

Kokua LIKEaBIKE Jumper Overview

RATING: Highly Recommended


BEST FOR: Perfect for aggressive riding along paved trails, hard and packed dirt, or at the skate park.


SEAT HEIGHT: 13.4″ – 18.5″
WEIGHT: 7.5 lb.
FRAME: Aluminum Alloy
BOLTS: Covered


  • The only balance bike with a shock, it’s perfect for adventurous kids on dirt trails and at skate parks
  • Soft, grippy Big Apple tires for a smooth ride on difficult terrain
  • Thickly padded seat for extra comfort
  • Lightweight aluminum frame with low step-through


  • High price tag
  • Seat can rub on back tire when seat set to lowest height

Kokua LIKEaBIKE Jumper Review – Results of our Test Rides

Simply stunning.  I admit, I tried not to like it, but I failed miserably.  Knowing very well that the Jumper is the one of the most sought-after balance bikes in the world, it was hard to fathom how such a simple bike could be that much different than the 20+ bikes we already own.  Ten minutes into our second ride, the Jumper left me breathless and officially I joined the bandwagon.


Although he has numerous balance bikes at his disposal, the LIKEaBIKE Jumper accomplished a great feat for our 2-year-old tester. While a confident and capable rider, he was never very adventurous when it came to jumps. The Jumper, however, stood up to its name and turned out little guy into quite the adventurous rider.

likeaBike 2

While he has been to our local tiny pump track many times, he always stayed clear of anything more than a rolling hill. After a quick round around the track on the Jumper, however, he unexpectedly decided to tackle a jump and he did so with ease! Not once, but multiple times, jumping a little farther with each attempt. Upon discovering the soft landing provided by the Jumper, he was addicted and his confidence level quickly sky-rocketed and his love affair with the Jumper began.

LIKEaBIKE Jumper in Action

Jumper series 1

At the local skate park he was once again in balance bike heaven.  Between the shock, padded seat and extra cushioning tires, the Jumper made quick work of the stairs ramps and small drop-offs.  For a two-year-old still in 2T clothes, watching him fearlessly ride down stairs only to then walk back up to do it all over again was quite a site to see. With the soft, grippy Big Apple tires, the Jumper was also truly in its element at the skate park. With every jump and through every banked turn, the Jumper gracefully glided our son over and around every obstacle without a hint of hesitation.

LIKEaBIKE Jumper at Skate Park

Likeabike 5.5

While other bikes offer the grippy Big Apple tires as well, when used in conjunction with a shock on a lightweight aluminum frame with a low-step through height, a true masterpiece is born.

likeaBike 6

Overall Build and Quality

In addition to the shock and tires, the individual component of the Jumper are just as impressive. Each wheel is perfectly trued along a lightweight aluminum rim with a beautifully machined aluminum hub.  To provide extra cushioning, the saddle is thickly padded as well as the headset.

likeabike 4.6

The Jumper also features a clever, re-moveable turning limiter that provides soft, yet firm resistance to aggressive turns.

LikeaBike 3

Compared to other higher-end bikes on the market the Jumper isn’t cheap, but it certainly holds its own. In addition to being the only balance bike on the market with a shock (well that we know it), its Big Apple tires come standard with puncture proof protection (although I will still recommend using tire sealant) as well as an extra-long seat post to allow for five inches of growth.

Bottom Line

The cream-of-the crop for adventurous toddlers and preschoolers.  Perfect for aggressive riding along paved trails, hard, packed dirt or at the skate park.

FTC Disclosure: Affiliate links are included in this review.  No monetary compensation was provided for this review, however, the reviewed product was supplied by the manufacturer or distributor to help facilitate this review. All opinions and images are that of Two Wheeling Tots LLC.  All content and images are copyrighted and should not be used or replicated in any way. View our Terms of Use.

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