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ByK Balance Bike Review

With air tires, a handbrake, and a flag to increase the visibility of your little rider, the ByK balance bike has a lot to offer for the price. Read the review below for all the details!

Boy riding the Bly 350 balance bike

ByK Balance Bike Overview

RATING: Highly Recommended

MSRP: $149

BEST FOR: Neighborhood riders in 2T – 4T pants


WEIGHT: 9.5 lb
SEAT HEIGHT: 13″ – 18″
BRAKE: Rear Hand
FRAME: Aluminum Alloy
BOLTS: Exposed


  • Visibility flag
  • Handbrake – essentially maintenance-free drum brake on rear tire
  • Comes with bell
  • Rust-proof aluminum frame
  • Cushioning air tires


  • Exposed bolts could scratch legs with time
  • Heavier than similarly priced bikes

ByK Balance Bike Review – Results of our Test Rides

Built for adventure, the ByK E-200L balance bike is a fun, mid-range balance bike perfectly suited for neighborhood riding enthusiasts.  With air tires, a handbrake, and even a flag to increase the visibility of your little rider, the ByK has a lot to offer in its $159 price tag.

4-year-old riding ByK E-200L balance bike in the street


With a 9.5 lb. aluminum frame, a long wheelbase (as compared to budget brands), and wider handlebars, the 200L offered a fun and stable ride for our adventurous neighborhood rider.  With his primary balance bike having foam tires and a very small frame for its 12″ tires, our tester was in heaven on the ByK.

4-year-old gliding ByK E-200L balance bike in the street

In addition to being much easier to balance, the air tires rode smooth and encouraged him to explore.  Seeking out every bump and rock he could find, he eagerly and happily explored the world around him.  Even calls from mom a few feet away needed repeating as he quickly became fully engaged in riding.

4-year-old riding ByK E-200L balance bike up a curb and over rocks


The seat height on the ByK balance bike ranges from 13″ to 18″ and is suitable for kids ages 2.5 to 5.  Our tall 4-year-old tester in 4T clothes fit perfectly on the 200L, but didn’t have much room for growth with the regular seat post shown in the images above.  Luckily, the ByK comes standard with an extended seat post that would provide him additional room and allow the seat post to raise up to the listed 18″.

The handlebars on the ByK, however, are not able to adjust, so with the extended seat post attached, the rider’s position on the bike will be pretty aggressive (leaned-forward). If your child is timid and has an inseam above 16″, ByK’s larger E-250L balance bike with 14″ tires would be a better fit.  The seat height on the E-250L ranges from 15″ to 21″ (with the extended seat post) and has higher set handlebars to allow for a more upright position with taller kids.

ByK E-200L (12″) vs. E-250L (14″)

ByK E200L 12" balance bike and ByK E250L 14" balance bike

*These images also show the flag that comes with the ByK balance bikes.  The flag that came with our bike was damaged in shipment, so it couldn’t be used, which is why it does not appear in our pictures.


The ByK E-200L has a drum brake on the rear tire that is activated by a right hand brake lever.  Drum brakes are relatively common on balance bikes, but not as common as traditional V-brakes.  Drum brakes don’t offer as much stopping power as v-brakes, but they require essentially no maintenance and typically have plenty of stopping power for young balance bike riders.

If your child is a really aggressive rider or is riding around hills, a bike with v-brakes may a better choice. But for most kids, drum brakes perform like a champ.  Similarly priced balance bikes, such as the Yedoo Too Too and the Saracen Freewheel both have v-brakes.

Drum Brake vs. V-brake

Side by side comparison of drum brake on ByK balance bike and more standard v-brake on another balance bike

The brake levers on the ByK are set close to the grip, making them easy to reach for little hands.

Short reach brake lever on ByK balance bike


The tires on the ByK E-200L are a top quality street tread.  Suitable for any paved surfaces, the ByK’s tires are a great fit for most neighborhood riders.  For those riders who plan on riding on various terrains, the multi-use tire on the Yedoo or the knobby tire on the Saracen are better suited for use on dirt trails.

Side by side comparison of tire tread on ByK balance bike, Yedoo, and Saracen balance bikes


Compared to similarly priced balance bikes, the ByK is unique in that it comes with a flag as well as drum-brake versus a v-brake.  Between the Yedoo Too Too and the Saracen Freewheel, the ByK is also the most likely to be on sale for the lowest price.  All in all, the quality between the three is comparable, but we did find the paint and the bearings on the other bikes to be superior to the ByK’s.

ByK E-200L: A great bike for the neighborhood cruiser who plans to stick mainly to pavement riding.  The included flag is an added bonus to help increase the visibility of the bike.

Yedoo Too Too: The lightest of the three, the Yedoo is best for younger or more timid riders.  The Yedoo is also available in really fun graphic designs.

Saracen Freewheel: With slightly larger and knobby tires, the Saracen is a great choice for riders planning on hitting the paved and dirt trails.  With the widest handlebars of the lot, it’s also the best for kids with larger frames.

ByK E-200 Balance Bike Bottom Line

A full-featured, fun little bike, the ByK E-200L is a great choice for kids in 2T to 4T clothes ready to tackle the neighborhood.  With its unique flag for increased visibility and essentially maintenance-free drum brake, the ByK is parent-friendly as well:).

FTC Disclosure: Affiliate links are included in this review.  No monetary compensation was provided for this review, however, the reviewed product was supplied by the manufacturer or distributor to help facilitate this review. All opinions and images are that of Two Wheeling Tots LLC.  All content and images are copyrighted and should not be used or replicated in any way. View our Terms of Use.

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